Another month and another meeting. I must confess that I didn't even unpack my truck, it was nevertheless a great meeting for me.

For me this time I spent most of my time chatting to people, helping with a transmitter "problem" and talking electronics (electronic switches, resistors, LEDs and power supply). A couple of happy customers and we as a group (the committee) are happy to help in any way we can as it also promotes the hobby. We don't tend to push what we do but as a “not for profit limited company” there are things we must do, such as manage the club (company), keep accounts and records, provide insurance etc. Our focus however is on providing a relaxed and encouraging environment with constant improvement. Some examples are the Quarry (open for all to use), the fuel station kiosk, hedges, Bus shelters, an office for the DVSA weigh bridge, Street lights, the distribution warehouse frontage, which did you notice? There is also more to come. If you have any ideas, please do let us know.

When we started the hall was an empty space with hardboard roadway and a few features, how we have progressed! Now we have over 100 metres of rubber track and a lot of yards. The yards have grown and evolved over the last couple of years until we have some really great yard space, we are now trying to recognise that and help people to create their own yard space by focusing on a different yard each month. Check the Focus on Yards in the menu.

This month we had less demand for yards and that allowed us to have a bit of a different layout this month. The layouts come from my head based on a growing library of options and the demand for yards. They are always a little different, I hope it keeps your interest going. I know it keeps the setup crew on their toes!

On another note, there are no rubbish disposal facilities at the site so please can you take your rubbish home. Your empty or half full cans can be returned to the ladies in the kitchen, and we will empty and take for recycling. Thanks.

I nearly didn’t take any pictures but saw someone else taking some and it jogged my mind. We love to see the pics on our FB page and elsewhere. It would be great if you could include the location. Well, that’s it for now. On to the pictures.