Over the last year our team has grown, shrunk and changed a bit, we have also reached our first anniversary, and so it seems right to revisit the team and our objectives.

We are a group of friendly people that are passionate about trucks and decided to set up a club so that we and others can join in with that passion. So that we could do that in a sustainable and controlled way we set up a company to do it with. The Company currently has 5 directors as in the picture 1.

From left to right we are Rob Briggs, Paul Evans, Nicola Loud, Stu Loud and Allan Shillitto. We have split the responsibilities across the five of us.

Rob is the Chairman responsible for keeping us all under control.

Paul is the Secretary, he records all the meetings, does the necessary legal set ups etc. He also liaises with the management of the shows that we attend.

Allan is the treasurer and also works with the website.

Stu is the welfare officer and has responsibility for overseeing safeguarding etc. He is also our Primary Facebook man.

Nicola Chairs our monthly meetings, works the desk at meetings and interfaces with HALE (Haywood Airfield Leasure Enterprise) and the school and the PTA .

Last but definitely not least Dan and Lin (in front in picture 2). Dan and Lin have been long time helpers Dan with the setup and Lin with the refreshments.  Keep your eyes peeled as we have others helping now as well!

We pride ourselves on our friendship, openness and passion for this hobby and we would like to invite like minded people to join us in running our trucks. Between us we have a huge amount of knowledge of modelling in many areas, not just trucks, we do love to talk about our models!

We will try and keep the layout fresh and move things around so that we encourage mixing and new friendships.
If you need help, have a comment, suggestion or would like to get involved then please do find one of us and have a chat. We of course can't promise anything, but we do meet after every meeting and review the meeting and where we are on our roadmap.